645 031 0171 Remote
Infrared only645 031 8207 MAC/IBM Adaptor
MAC/IBM Adapter - ALL LCD Data Projectors (except LC-4300S)645 038 4660 Remote
Infrared only645 038 6213 Remote
Infrared only w/Laser Pointer x-ref: CXFK645 041 5999 Remote
Infrared only w/ Mouse Control x-ref: CXGY645 042 3529 Remote
Infrared & Wired w/Laser Pointer645 046 8544 Remote
Infrared only w/Laser Pointer x-ref: CXLB645 047 8307 Remote
Infrared only (Card Size) – No Laser or Mouse x-ref: CXJD645 048 1895 Remote
Infrared & Wired w/Laser Pointer645 057 3972 Cable Interface
Cable-Interface ( DVI ~ VGA )645 061 5030 Remote
Infrared & Wired w/ Laser Pointer x-ref: CXPD645 061 7911 Remote
Infrared only (standard - NO Mouse Function) x-ref: CXSZ645 061 7935 Remote
Infrared only w/Laser Pointer x-ref: CXMW645 062 6128 Remote
Infrared & Wired w/ LASER POINTER and MOUSE CONTROL x-ref: CXPV645 063 7902 Remote
Infrared only (w/Mouse Function - 645 063 8022 IR Sensor Cable required) x-ref: CXPY645 063 8022 IR Sensor Cable
IR Sensor Cable w/USB Connector (for 645 063 7902 Remote Control)645 068 1608 Remote
Radio Freq. & Wired Remote Projector and Mouse Control w/ Laser Pointer645 074 6413 Remote
Infrared remote control only w/Laser Pointer645 082 1172 Remote
Infrared only w/Laser Pointer (NO Mouse Function) x-ref: CXTG645 086 4254 Remote
Infrared & Wired w/ Laser Pointer645 086 4261 Remote
Infrared & Wired w/ Laser Pointer x-ref: CXVR645 089 2721 Remote
Infrared & Wired w/ Laser Pointer x-ref: CXWC645 089 4862 Remote
Infrared & Wired w/Laser Pointer x-ref: CXVK645 092 9854 Remote