Symptoms The projector runs for a couple of minutes but then goes back to its standby state. There are no warning LEDs lit. Cause This problem is more common with smaller projectors (medium to large projectors will normally display a LED warning to indicate why the projector shuts down). When small projectors shutdown with these.. read more →
First thing to do is isolate the projector from the rest of the system. You want to find out if the projector is the cause or if the problem is in the distribution system or source. Use a different source device (DVD, PC etc.) and use a good short cable and go straight into the.. read more →
What you are seeing is probably dust or dirt on one of the LCD panels. If you de-focus the image the blob or smudge should become a solid object. The projector will need to be serviced to remove contamination of the projectors internal, optic components. Routine maintenance (cleaning filters) will help prevent contaminants from getting.. read more →
Preliminary steps: Plug the laptop into a power source. Some of the models have a power management scheme that will not allow for HDMI audio while running on batteries. Later, after you get your HDMI audio working, if you find that it still does not work on batteries you can change your power management settings.. read more →